I didn’t get to present my Twitterive in class, but I got some good feedback. I’m going to try to make my entire story more about the different “Jens”. The color purple will represent Teacher-Jen, and blue will represent Nurse-Jen. I’m going to put dialogue between the two of these characters in order to show the struggle that I am having with both characters. I’m also going to try to incorporate my current struggle with my education classes. I plan on doing class course descriptions, in my own words. I might also move some things around to help the story flow better than it did before.

Samantha Caltabiano: Sam’s place was her family room. Her Twitterive was about her family, not necessarily the room itself. Therefore, maybe her place should just be family. I liked how she used the exact Facebook messages from her brothers, but maybe she could use a screen capture instead of just copying and pasting. I would also like to know who everyone in her family is and what their relationships are within the family.

Alexa Kalin: Alexa’s Twitterive was about finding the right house for her and her fiancé to settle down. I liked the pictures that she included because it makes her search seem real. However, I believe that she needs to add more emotion to her story. Who are the characters? Describe them. Why are they important? Perhaps she could also change her layout because it was a little difficult for me to follow.

Samantha Olenowski: Samantha’s Twitterive was about her “roots” especially her grandfather. I really liked the way that she put her Twitterive together. It was really easy to follow, and I believe that it had a lot of meaning behind it. In class, someone suggested that she add a timeline of his life. I think that would really add to the story. Also, I think that recording an interview with her dad and/or grandmother would be really effective.

Michael Youngkin: Michael’s Twitterive was really interesting. To me, it was about distance. He portrayed disconnect very nicely. The fact that he had no characters really helped to show disconnect. By not having any characters, Michael lets the reader out themselves into the story and become their own character. His place could possibly be escape.

Stephanie Bowser: Stephanie’s place was dance. Her Twitterive showed how her dance let her escape from life and her Tourette’s syndrome. I really liked her lay out. She used the saying “lights, camera, action” and wrote her Twitterive like it was a show. One of my favorite aspects was the video that she recorded of herself. It definitely adds a personal touch, and helps the reader really connect to her. In class, we discussed that she could possibly find different quotes and make the quotes her repetend.

Darren Gaunt: Darren wrote his Twitterive based upon being a child again. He wanted it to be in a perspective of a child. I really like his interview with the children. I believe that it should be one of the first things that the viewer should see. Also, as a class, we said that he should maybe change his piece to a first person narrative.

David Lucas: David’s Twitterive focused on his battle with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. His piece showed a lot of detail, and I really like it. His entire Twitterive made sense to me and the rest of the class; it was very powerful. His entire piece included a lot of details, and really showed his true colors by using his humor. As a class, we stated that he should maybe talk more about his parents’ roles during this period of his life. What were their reactions? How did they participate in his recovery?

Katie Collins: Katie was unsure about what her place was. Maybe it could be a road to recovery? Her story was also very powerful, and it was on the right track to being developed. In class, we mentioned that maybe she should talk more about her mom’s role in her life and where she was. There was also a detail that told us that she had siblings. Maybe she could talk about her siblings and how they also played a role in everything. Her story is going in the right direction and with a few more details her Twitterive will be great.

        At the beginning of the semester, the idea of creating a website, in general, terrified me. I never thought that I would be able to blog or put my twitterive together. Over the past seven or so weeks I have really surprised myself with the amount of things that I have done with my website. In my twitterive, I’ve added photos, YouTube videos, and a Wordle. I actually had some difficulty with the Wordle at first because I couldn’t figure out how to post it to my twitterive page. I’ve added a YouTube video to my twitterive and overall it was an easy process. In order to add this video, I only had to search Weebly for the right format to use. Figuring out how to format my twitterive was probably the most difficult thing for me. I was unaware that I could put each piece into a new “paragraph”. I actually didn’t use much technology within my twitterive; partly because I am not familiar with different technologies and also because my twitterive didn’t necessarily require different technologies. I would love to learn how to create and post a video to YouTube, but it’s something that I probably couldn’t accomplish on my own. I know, lame excuse, but I’m not very technology literate and it makes me nervous to try something new especially if it’s for an assignment.

In this blog post I am summarize the Twitterives that were presented today in class.

Alissa Francisco: Alissa’s Twitterive revolved around her love for softball and her decision to not play anymore. Her Twitterive was filled with pictures, definitions, journal entries, and some other genres. I personally liked the fact that she had the definitions in her Twitterive. To me, it made her feelings feel even stronger. The class suggested that she end on a stronger not a leave out the “Everything Happens For A Reason” quote. I believe this was a good suggestion.

David Reyes: After some discussion, the class came to realize that David’s Twitterive was about his “madness” when he writes. I liked the idea of his Twitterive layout being chaotic because it shows the madness within himself when he writes. However, as a class, we decided that the layout should be a little easier to follow. We suggested that he used two columns in his layout.

Christie Johnson: Christie’s place, for her Twitterive, is the Outer Banks. I really liked the way that she used the pictures and videosto describe her place. I think it really showed her relationship with the Outer Banks. She was concerned that there weren’t enough words in her Twitterive, but I believe the pictures and videos worked very well.

Rebecca Crawford: Rebecca’s place is the summer of 2012. She discusses the upcoming events that will take place during this summer. Her intent for the Twitterive was to discuss the past, present, and the future. I liked her Twitterive; she gave a lot of detail. However, the class decided that we weren’t too sure about the layout. This should be an easy fix once she figures out how she wants her Twitterive to be read.

1)      WHO are the characters in your story?
            I am the only character in my story.

2)    WHAT is your story? WHAT genres/modes are you using for your story?
            My story is about choosing between two careers. I am unsure about what I want to do with my life. It’s my feelings towards both careers and trying to decipher what path I’m going to take. I have poems, quotes, a letter, a micro-fiction piece, a list, links to websites, and pictures in my Twitterive.

3)      WHEN does your story take place?
            My story is taking place right night. It’s a story that is current in my life, and as I work on this multi-genre piece, I’m starting to learn more about what I want to do with my life.

4)      WHERE is your place?
            My place is not a physical place; it’s a state of mind.

5)      WHY do you feel a connection/lack of connection to place?
            I feel a string connection to this pace because it is something that I am thinking about literally every day. It’s not a little piece of my life, this decision that I am working towards will decide my entire life.

6)      HOW do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to place?
           Honestly, I am not sure how I am doing this. Hopefully my different genres allow the reader to get inside of my head, a little, and see what I’m going through.

Working with a group today really helped. There are things that I am going to add to my Twitterive that my group suggested. They made the suggestion that I should add a picture of a fork in the road, and I decided that it was a good idea. Right when they suggested this I knew exactly where this picture would fit into my piece. After some discussion, I decided that I would try to write a Letter of Complaint to myself from myself. The group agreed that it would be a good addition to my piece. I also knew where this would go within my Twitterive, and It really helps my piece I think.

In this blog post, I will be discussing my writing process for my twitterive. After that, I will be listing five questions that my group mates and I will discuss during our workshop. 

        When I first heard about the twitterive I panicked. I had no idea what my place was and I began stressing about the assignment. At first, I was thinking about using my family as my place, but after reading through my tweets, I knew that it wasn’t my place at all. My place is now, confusion. I realized quickly, that most of my tweets were about my confusion and non-motivation for school. I am not enjoying this semester because there is so much more on my mind. I’m nervous that my twitterive will not make any sense to the reader and that all my hard work will have been for nothing. I’ve been so much time and effort into this assignment, and it would kill me if I couldn’t make it work. 
        I refuse to just write. Doing this makes me nervous, and I often feel like I am wasting time if I do this. I have to admit, this fact, put my twitterive on pause for a few weeks. However, I eventually came up with ideas little by little, and wrote when the ideas came. So far, I’m happy with the pieces that I have created over this short time. I like my twitterive now! 
        As I’ve already said, I’m afraid that my twitterive will not make sense to anyone but myself. I really need to work on showing the reader(s) how I really feel, and give them reasons to connect with me and my piece. I need to work on the flow of my piece and the emotion that I put into it. I am also unsure about the placing of the different genres that make up my twitterive. The order is a little confusing, but I am not sure on how to improve it. I would also like to add to my twitterive. I would like to add more pictures of the different careers that I am confused about. Maybe I could add a couple more quotes about confusion to let the reader see that confusion comes in all different shapes and sizes. I am worried about this twitterive, but I am also happy about the progress that I have made. I can’t wait to workshop this piece to get some feedback.

My five question for workshop are:
-What types of genres should I add to my twitterive?
-Is there anything I should eliminate?
-What can I do to make my point stronger?
-What would you say my repetend and theme is?
-If this was your twitterive, what would you include?

In class, we collaborated as a whole group. We decided on characters and what each person’s character will write/do. For me, I mostly collaborated with the “groom” and we decided what type of vows each of us would be writing. We came up with an idea of a back story in order to be able to write. Before writing the vows, I did a lot of research online. I looked at several different versions and came up with my own.  I revised and edited more than a few time. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

My Writing, Research, and Technology class is having a “Wedding Day”. We all have different characters that we will be reenacting. I have the part of the bride, and below are the vows that I have written.

Tim, I stand before you ready to become your wife.
 I promise to laugh with you,
Comfort you when you’re down,
And I promise to stay faithful to you.
Today is a very special day.
It’s the beginning of the rest of our lives together.
Below is a "found poem" that I have created from my personal tweets. Floowing the poem is the list of tweets that I used.

Over It
This semester is going to kill me,
Doing homework,
No motivation,
Teacher work samples are ridiculous.
Three summer classes,
No break,
No vacation,
I give up.

-These teacher work samples are ridiculous #twitterive
-This semester is going to kill me #twitterive
-No motivation to do homework ugh #twitterive
-So ready for a vacation! #twitterive
-I guess I'm taking 3 summer classes now. #twitterive
-Doing hw for the rest of the night :( #twitterive
-Trying to convince my family that we should go to the Bahamas this summer :) #twitterive
-Bathing suits are out..this makes me want to lay on a beach #twitterive
-I give up..I'm going to the check out! #twitterive
-I already need a break from school #twitterive